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Woven Passages Birth Servies

Serving Families of South Florida

Welcome and thank you for stopping by! Being a Doula means I care about the informed choices, decisions, and experiences you and your family desire. Allow me the honor to join you in making this journey one woven together with joy, love, and happiness as you pass through an unforgettable experience.


Who am I?


Before this picture was taken, I was a woman, yearning for a child, a mother grieving 3 miscarriages and a stillborn at 29 weeks (following a PROM at 18 weeks). Behind that smile was so much fear and doubt that I would even be able to make it full term and actually hear my baby cry. Boy did she cry. That sound... That sound! Divinity intwined with Humanity and gave birth to a precious soul. A soul that strengthened, empowered, and granted my privilege to mother. My ability to bear a child when medical professional told me I shouldn't. My honor to a blessing and inheritance which is mine to humbly claim! Now, I have two beautiful daughters who fill my days with joy, laughter, and courage. A  courage to stand boldly in the face of the fears that inevitably come, but am empowered to overcome in exchange for peace and assurance. This is my desire for you. That you embrace, and enjoy the grandeur of what motherhood has to offer you.  This is why I doula.







Sips tea and chill...

Let's sit back and get to know each other a little. After all, who would be comfortable letting a stranger rub their back during labor, right?! Our first meeting, we take things slow and get to know each other. You can lay it on me, I'm a really good listener. After our meet and greet, once you've made a decision, we will follow up once (or twice) more and discuss your joys, your fears, and preferences during labor. I can also help you create a birth plan that will capture all of the goals important to you and your birth experience.



Contact me to set up a complimentary prenatal consult today!

Sun: 10am-2pm

Mon - Thur: 1pm - 5pm
Fri: by appointments only
Sat: Closed

Home: Contact

I am here for you when you need me! Call me today to schedule an appointment, or send me an email and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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